Angela Wolf entrepreneur and fashion designer, is the host of the PBS series It’s Sew Easy and host of Behind the Scenes weekly Facebook and YouTube live shows.  Angela produces and hosts the weekly live show At Your Side Virtually! shows for Brother – featured on Brother Sews Facebook and YouTube and Brother Crafts Facebook and YouTube channels.

Angela is the producer and founder of Fabric to Fashion ~ a  fashion design challenge reality show  premiering on Made it Myself TV. Each challenge includes three to four designers, the designers are all given the same challenge that includes anything from a specific fabric to worn garments for refashioning. Along with the challenge, the designers are also given a surprise fashion element that they need to incorporate into their garment. The entire show is filmed virtually, allowing the viewer to see each designer / sewist working in their own studios following along from concept to finished garment. The designers come from a wide range of skill levels, along with their own unique stories as how they have come to love sewing. Fabric to Fashion offers entertainment, along with an educational aspect.

Angela is the founder of Angela Wolf Patterns and Angela Wolf Academy featuring online classes, and the Fashion Sewing Club.  Along with the many online classes on Angela Wolf Academy, Angela also teaches on Craftsy,, and other online platforms with over  650,000 students.

Angela is the Author of How to Start a Home-based Fashion Design Business, blogger, vlogger, and has been been featured in Threads Magazine, Sew Stylish, Sew News, and Schmetz magazines.  Angela was awarded the American Sewing Expo’s teacher of year in 2012 and in 2016 Industry Contributor of the year.  Angela resides in SW Michigan and when she is not working in the sewing world, you will find her professionally sportfishing on the WinnAngel with her husband, Winn.

Angela started sewing at a young age and continued to design women’s apparel all thru college. With an entrepreneurial spirit and passion for fashion and sewing, she launched and ran a successful custom apparel and alteration business for over 18 years. She is the winner of 2008 Passion for Fashion, 2012 American Sewing Expo’s teacher of year, and spends her time speaking and teaching. When she is not sewing, you will find her fishing on Lake Michigan or in the Florida Keys with her husband Winn, on the Win-n-Angel!  You can find Angela’s fishing team on the Salmon Showdown reality show on Carbon TV and the 333 Tournament Trail.

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