EP 430: At Your Side Virtually!

EP 430: At Your Side Virtually!

Episode 430 ~ At Your Side Virtually

Episode 430: At Your Side Virtually! Join Brother Brand Ambassador Angela Wolf with part 2 in designing a personalized mug rug turned into table decor! Taking the family photos from the Print Moda which we embroidered last week. In Part 2 you will learn how to create an in the hoop design, add letters, and create a table placemat or table runner.

Watch on Brothersews Facebook or YouTube channels

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 Fashion Designer, Entrepreneur, and Brother Brand Ambassador

EP 430: At Your Side Virtually!

EP 428: At Your Side Virtually!

Episode 428 ~ At Your Side Virtually

Episode 428: At Your Side Virtually! Join Brother Brand Ambassador Angela Wolf sewing a table runner for Mother’s Day!

Watch on Brothersews Facebook or YouTube channels

Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to stay up to date on new shows, events, and tutorials!




Fashion Designer, Entrepreneur, and Brother Brand Ambassador

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